
¿Como abrir archivos .DXF en Silhouette Studio?

¿Has encontrado un archivo que te ha gustado mucho, pero viene en formatos que no conoces, tal como el DXF?

Si, estuve en el mismo lugar al inicio, sola, sin saber como funcionaba el programa y como podría sacarle provecho.

Y, ¿Sabias que los archivos con extorsión .dxf es uno de los formatos no nativos de Silhouette Studio que puedes abrir?

Si!!! y es super fácil, en este pequeño post te dejo instrucciones claras y rápidas para abrir ese archivo que tienes en un formato que no es .Studio.

Abriendo el archivo Dxf en Silhouette Studio.

Lo primero que tienes que hacer es ubicar el archivo en la carpeta donde lo guardaste.

  1. Abrir explorador
  2. Buscar carpeta

  1. Seleccionar el archivo y hacer click derecho sobre el. Haciendo esto se desplegara una lista, tal como lo ves en la imagen abajo

  1. Selecciona la opción: «Abrir con» y se desplegara los programas que tienes para abrir ese tipo de archivo. En este caso como ya yo lo tengo predeterminado, entre los programas puedes ver Silhouette Studio.

  1. Si el programa de tu CAMEO no se encuentra dentro de los programas, dale click a la opción: » elegir programa predeterminado» y busca silhouette studio.exe, selecciónalo, activa la casilla usar siempre este programa para este tipo de archivo y click en aceptar.

Y listo! cada vez que te encuentres un archivo que este en este tipo de formato, al darle doble click lo abrira automáticamente con Silhouette Studio

Los formatos

Es importante también indicarte que muchas tiendas y paginas de venta de archivos o vectores, no ofrecen sus productos sino es en extensiones genéricas como lo son DXF ( compatible con la Cameo ) y SVG (compatible con CRICUT), como Creative Fabrica por lo que siempre conseguirás archivos con estos formatos.

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How to open .DXF files in Silhouette Studio

Have you found a file that you really like, but it comes in unknown formats, such as DXF?

Yes, I was in the same place at the beginning, alone, without knowing how the program worked and how I could take advantage of it.

And, did you know that files with a .dxf extension are one of the non-native Silhouette Studio formats that you can open?

Yes!!! And it’s super easy, in this little post I leave you clear and quick instructions to open that file that you have in a format that is not .Studio.

Opening the Dxf file in Silhouette Studio.

The first thing you have to do is locate the file in the folder where you saved it.

  1. Open explorer
  2. Find folder

  1. Select the file and right click on it. Doing this will display a list, as you can see in the image below

  1. Select the option: «Open with» and the programs you have to open that type of file will be displayed. In this case, as I already have it predetermined, among the programs you can see Silhouette Studio.

  1. If the program of your cameo is not within the programs, click on the option: «choose default program» and search for silhouette studio.exe, select it, check the box Always use this program for this type of file and click on accept

And ready! every time you find a file that is in this type of format, double-clicking it will automatically open it with Silhouette Studio


It is also important to indicate that many stores and pages for the sale of files or vectors do not offer their products but it is in generic extensions such as DXF (compatible with the Cameo ) and SVG (compatible with cricut), as a Creative Fabrica so you will always get files with these formats.

I hope this post has been useful. As a gift you can enjoy one of our products for free !!! Here

How to open SVG in Cricut and resolve errors

How to open SVG in Cricut and resolve errors

Has it happened to you that you buy a file for your Cricut, open it and you don’t see it in your Design Space?

Well, in this Post, in a quick way and through images, I will show you how to open, verify, rectify and proceed to cut a design in SVG in your Cricut!

Let us begin:

  1. Open your Design Space (DS)

  1. Upload the SVG File

  1. I present the following case: When uploading the file you see that the letters are not as they should be (it is not in a compound path so you cannot see its entirety)

  1. In this case, we suggest opening the file either in Illustrator or Corel Draw

  1. Select the element to modify and ungroup. You can see that the element has all its separate components.




  1. Select the corresponding lines or elements, right-click and indicate compound path.

7. To verify that it was done correctly, you can verify with fill color. In this case the compound trace did not work. therefore, you must select the element, look for the tool to find traces (you can obtain it by clicking on  window) and click on «Exclude»

  1. Click save

  1. Get back up to DC

I hope this post has been helpful!

Let us know your questions or comments!

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